
Parent information meetings are happening next Monday, September 23, starting at 5:30pm in the Learning Commons.

Some of the topics covered include:

o   Grades 8-9 Meeting Topics 5:30-6:00pm

·         Credits

·         Applied Skills and Fine Arts

·         The curriculum

·         Literacy and Numeracy Assessments

·         Math and Second Languages

·         Service Hours and Extra Curriculars

·         Parent Participation hours

·         Homeroom A vs B:  does it matter?

o   Grades 10-12 Meeting Topics  6-7pm

·         What requirements are needed to graduate?

·         What math should I take?

·         Do I need a second language?

·         What is Capstone?

·         How do students sign up for transcripts?

·         Post- Secondary Applications and Information

·         College, University, Applied Skills?

·         What if I want to attend university in the US?

·         COBSS (Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society)