Faith in Action
Community Service
Each year, Immaculata students are required to perform a minimum of 30 hours of general community service. Community service is a priority for Immaculata and therefore we ask our students to complete more hours than in the public school system. Completing community service hours allows students to see how they can make a difference and broadens their range of experiences. The service work can be in the school, church, our feeder schools, or in the general community. Service hours are monitored by homeroom teachers to ensure the goal is met.
School wide service projects
As a school community, we partake in school-wide projects to serve the less fortunate. We regularly collect for and participate in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, with food and toiletry drives as well as a Christmas toy drive. Our students work for social justice through the Social Justice Team and the Legacy Project for Inn from the Cold. The Linus Project is new for us this year - knitting, crocheting, and sewing blankets for gifts to the children in our community experiencing some kind of trauma.
Mission team updates
JJ23 Mission Trip Jan 25-31, 2023,
Penasco, Mexico
The Family we began the house build for was Lisvia and her two teenage children. Lisvia’s story was one of heartbreak and hope. Through our mission work we were able to see things from a different perspective than we might have viewed Lisvias situation from afar. We built relations with Lisvia and her children. We were able to reconnect with a family we had started a house build for in 2020. We were able to see their finished home. As a show of gratitude, they served lunch for us all. In our time back at the 1Mission basecamp we were able to connect with the 1Mission team. We heard how they had arrived at 1Mission and the value of the work the organization does in the local community, for the local people. The JJ23 Immac team found their acts of service were hard work, fun, and rewarding. The JJ23 team built positive relationships with the people we served and with each other. We were accompanied on our mission by Fr. Neil Lucado. We were able to celebrate mass every day. Fr. Neil fed us the Eucharist and his words, works on the build site, and at base camp modelled and encouraged us how to live the Gospel. Are YOU inspired to become a missionary?
Pray, Serve, Love
“Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices, God is pleased.” -Hebrews 13:16