Faith Formation
Religion & Theology Classes
Religion and theology classes at Immaculata are about fostering the Catholic faith in both the individual and the school community. Students take religion and theology classes each year while at Immaculata. The overarching goal of the program is to build a loving, faithful, and hopeful culture by learning Catholic values and applying them to our school and the community beyond.
Academically, we explore many of life’s “big” questions, like:
Does God exist? Why am I here? Does my life have a purpose?
Who is Jesus and how is he relevant in my life today?
Other topics covered in the religious education program are Church history, Catholic morality, the Sacraments, the old and new testaments of the bible, and world religions.
The spiritual life of the student is nurtured through religious education and daily prayer, as well as school-wide masses, assemblies, retreats, service, and
paraliturgies. Prayer is a regular practice at the beginning of every class, led by either the teacher or a student. Eucharistic celebrations occur every month throughout the school year. Students and staff fulfill the different Mass ministries, including lectors, altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, and musicians.
Mustang Days
At the heart of Immaculata, we are all Mustangs. Being a Mustang means being community focused, driving for excellence, and committed to being part of our Immaculata family.
Mustang Days are grade specific off-site events that take place very early in the school year. The goal of Mustang Days is to build community among the classes and make connections between grades. The Grade 8’s work with Grade 12’s to learn the basics of being a Mustang. The Grade 9’s work with the Grade 11 leaders to explore what kind of a Mustang they want to be. In Grade 10, students explore where their place is as a Mustang. By Grade 11, students are exploring how to be a Mustang Leader, and in Grade 12 the day centres on what kind of a Mustang legacy the students want to leave.
These days are filled with a variety of fun activities, self/group reflection, and of course camaraderie!