Guiding Principles
A Family That Fosters Excellence
Immaculata Regional High School is a Catholic high school, established by the Catholic Public School Society of Nelson Diocese under the direction of the Kelowna Catholic Public School Council. Immaculata presents itself in service to the students and families in our Catholic community.
We are a community of teachers, support staff, clergy, parents, and students engaged in the common task of empowering each student to learn how to do all that he/she is capable of doing. This development of strong capable young people, with clear perceptions of their personal capabilities and high self esteem should not be left to chance. The school's role in the midst of our ever changing society is to give students good judgement and decision-making skills to enable them to cope with many new challenges. Students must leave school with a well-developed spiritual life, a high degree of self-awareness, empathy for social justice and third world ministry, and the ability to help their friends at a time of crisis.
The ultimate goal of Immaculata Regional High School is to develop in its graduates a value orientation that puts high priority on the formation of leaders in service to others.
Specific objectives to develop such a graduate may best be summarized in five main categories:
Openness To Growth
Maturity as a person: emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually - to a level that reflects some intentional, conscious responsibility for one's own growth.
Intellectual Competence
Demonstration of mastery of those academic requirements are for the advanced focus of education.
The acquisition of the basic knowledge and understanding of the major doctrines and practices of the Catholic faith - to have examined one's feelings and beliefs with a view to choosing a fundamental orientation toward God and to establish a relationship with a religious tradition and/or community.
Loving, Sharing, and Caring
Being in the last of their formative periods, our graduates should be well on the way to establishing their own identity. They should be on the threshold of moving beyond self-interest to loving, caring for, and sharing with others.
Commitment to Social Justice
At the end of this educational experience, our graduates should have achieved considerable knowledge of the needs of local and world communities and should be prepared to take their places in the world community as competent, concerned, and responsible members. Immaculata Regional High School works to be identified as a safe place - a place where student learning takes place amid caring and sharing people.